
The governing body of the medical society is the board of directors. The directors are appointed by majority vote of the membership and are responsible for managing the affairs of the corporation.

The officers of the medical society are responsible for carrying out all policies established by the board, developing and submitting an organizational plan for the conduct of the society’s operation. The officers are also responsible for recording of minutes of all meetings and preparing an annual budget showing the expected revenue and expenditures as required by the board or its committees.

The officers consist of a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. Current officers serving for the term of 2021-2022 are:


President- Stafford Brown Jr., M.D.

Vice President- Imhotep Carter, M.D.

Secretary- Donna Lapeyrolerie, M.D.

Treasurer- Katrina Sheriff Carter, M.D.

Current members of the board of directors are:


Stafford Brown, M.D.

Angela Mercer, M.D.

Frederick Quarles, M.D.

Phillip Brooks, M.H.A

John Hopkins, M.D.







April Annual Business meeting during the pandemic